Accessibility in Courses and Services: The Exploration Begins
In 2018, OLC and WCET explored several issues on which they could partner to better serve our membership communities. Assuring the accessibility in courses, websites, student services, and all communications rose to the top as many are still confused as to what is required and how to address those needs.
This webcast kicked off a series of jointly sponsored events and activities focused on accessibility issues. The event began with a conversation about shared questions we hear regarding serving those with disabilities and the far-reaching benefits that accrue from doing so.
Kelly Hermann
VP, Accessibility, Equity and Inclusion, University of Phoenix
Mark Jenkins
Director, elearning and Open Education, SBCTC.EDU, WA State Board for Community and Technical College
Jennifer Rafferty
Director of the Institute for Professional Development, OLC
Russ Poulin
Executive Director, WCET & Vice President for Technology-Enhanced Education, WICHE