New on WCET Frontiers

Submit a Proposal for WCET’s New-Look, Experienced-Focused Annual Meeting
Published by: WCET | 3/27/2017
The 28th WCET Annual Meeting was my first WCET Annual Meeting. Actually, since I had only started my new position with WCET a few, tender weeks prior to heading Minneapolis, it was one of my first WCET experiences! And, it […]

Distance Ed Costs and Price: Not as Closely Correlated as You’d Think
Published by: WCET | 2/16/2017
What do you know about the price and cost of distance education? What do we charge students (the “price”)? How much does the institution spend to create the course (the “cost”)? In order to learn more about this issue, WCET […]

Education Department Confirms ‘Reciprocity’ Definition Clarification
Published by: WCET | 1/19/2017
Thank you Ted Mitchell! In his last hours as the Under Secretary of Education, Mitchell wrote a letter to Marshall Hill (Executive Director, NC-SARA) and me confirming the clarifications to state authorization regulations that Department staff made to me and […]

Published by: WCET | 10/20/2016
Hello WCETer’s! Today I’d like to share the highlights of the meeting from my point of view as a new WCET staff member and first timer at the WCET Annual Meeting. As I, sadly, could not be everywhere at once, […]

The Fun of Minneapolis and #WCET16
Published by: WCET | 8/31/2016
WCET’s 28th Annual Meeting is a mere seven weeks away- October 12-14. In no time, our community of edtech leaders and innovators will convene in beautiful Minneapolis to connect with colleagues, exchange ideas, and share triumphs and challenges. The WCET […]

You Too Have Déjà vu with EdTech Conferences?
Published by: WCET | 7/21/2016
[caption id="attachment_4566" align="alignleft" width="300"] Higher-Ed Edtech & Innovation Conferences graphic from our Friends at EdSurge HigherEd.[/caption] We have all attended a conference and had that déjà vu feeling, where you look at the program and the attendees and have the […]

21st Century Credentials: Telling the Story of the Whole Student
Published by: WCET | 6/23/2016
Earlier this month WCET’ers gathered in Salt Lake City to have frank discussions and hear from leading experts in the somewhat nebulous construct of 21st Century Credentials. There is no way I can replicate the conversations held, the discussions, the […]

Edtech is a Human Experience: My First SXSWedu
Published by: WCET | 3/14/2016
Sometimes you have to start at the end to see the beginning more clearly. On my {somewhat delayed} journey home from SXSWedu, our Mike Abbiatti posed the question, “if technology is all it’s cracked up to be, why do we spend so […]

Help Guide the Conversation about the Price and Cost of Distance Courses
Published by: WCET | 2/23/2016
We need your help in providing data – WCET is currently conducting a survey on the price and cost of distance education. But before we get to the survey completion plea, some background… How Are You Saving Money Using Technology? […]

Embedded Digital Resources Are In, Traditional Textbooks Are Out At UMUC
Published by: WCET | 2/18/2016
During the 2015 WCET Annual Meeting, The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) received a WCET Outstanding Work (WOW) Award for their work in replacing all of their undergraduate course textbooks with Open Educational Resources. Thank you to the team […]