New on WCET Frontiers

New Survey Tracks Online and Distance Education in Canada
Published by: WCET | 10/19/2017
Congratulations to our Canadian friends on releasing the results of their first survey of online learning activities throughout their country. Released on Tuesday of this week at the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning, the report (“Tracking Online and Distance […]

Reimagining Higher Education and the National Technology Plan
Published by: WCET | 7/11/2016
On the last day of June, the U.S. Department of Education hosted an invitation-only session on “Reimagining Higher Education.” I was very pleased to represent WCET members. Here are some of the top takeaways and notice that they are planning […]

Faculty Development for Blended Learning: A Survey of Practices
Published by: WCET | 12/5/2012
WCET is pleased to welcome Liz Ciabocchi and Amy Ginsberg of Long Island University as guest bloggers in sharing their research on faculty development. Thank you to WCET members who responded to their survey on training opportunities for blended learning […]