Partnering to Better Serve Adults
Published by: WCET | 11/15/2012
Tags: Access, Assessment, Completion, Data And Analytics, Marketing, Prior Learning Assessment, Student Success, Workforce/Employment
Published by: WCET | 11/15/2012
Tags: Access, Assessment, Completion, Data And Analytics, Marketing, Prior Learning Assessment, Student Success, Workforce/Employment
Our colleague from across the building, Patrick Lane, joins the Frontiers blog today to share the resources from the recent meeting of the Adult College Completion (ACC) Network. The ACC Network aims to unite organizations and agencies working to increase college completion by adults with prior college credits but no degree in a collaborative learning network. We welcome your comments about the ways your institution or state is reaching out to adult students.
A manufacturing CEO, a community college representative, a state higher ed staffer, and a non-profit leader walk into a room. Beginning of a joke only higher education folks might get? No…but it was the starting point of the recent meeting of the Adult College Completion Network as these panelists focused on the importance of adult degree and certificate completion and identified numerous barriers and promising strategies, bringing their diverse perspectives to bear on the issue.
Selected members of WICHE’s Adult College Completion (ACC) Network gathered in Chicago last month to discuss progress in reaching and reengaging adults with prior college credit. Funded by Lumina Foundation, the ACC Network launched two years ago to bring together higher education agencies, institutions of higher education, non-profit organizations, workforce agencies, and others who are focused on helping these students return to postsecondary education to complete a certificate or degree.
The opening panel, bringing together a diverse set of leaders focusing on the importance of adult degree completion and cooperation between various sectors in Illinois, established an underlying theme for the meeting: developing and maintaining effective partnerships is a crucial component of increasing adult certificate and degree completion.
Partnering to Better Serve Adults
As Network members delved into promising strategies for serving adults with prior college credit in a number of areas—prior learning assessment, the usability of web portals, stackable certificates, just to name a few—the partnership theme came up quite often. Building these partnerships is easier said than done, but they are still feasible. No matter if an institution focuses on online learning or bricks-and-mortar classes, Network members emphasized that partnerships are crucial at every step of the path from reaching out to an adult with prior college credit to seeing him or her complete a credential.
As an “outsider” to postsecondary education who had little involvement in adult completion efforts until last year, Warren Young, CEO of the manufacturing company Acme Industries, stressed that building partnerships starts with a simple invitation. After being invited to discuss the workforce needs of the industry in and around Chicago, he has become involved in providing employment linkages across the sector for students completing programs at area colleges.
Other notable examples of the importance of partnerships came up throughout the meeting on a wide range of issues:
These are just a few of the many different projects highlighted at the meeting.
Serving Adults Has Special Challenges
With families, work, life experience, academic history, and financial needs, adults face additional hurdles in reaching their educational goals. This is especially true when colleges, non-profit organizations, and financial aid structures often focus on the post-high school populations. Network members also focused on some of the ongoing challenges in serving this population.
These include:
The Sharing Continues
These are just a few of the lessons and issues covered at the recent ACC Network meeting. In the coming weeks, the ACC Network will be detailing other conclusions from the meeting and continuing to disseminate promising strategies being developed and implemented across the country by those working to increase credential completion by adults with prior college credit. For more information about the network, or to join, please visit or contact Patrick Lane at or 303.541.0266.
Patrick Lane
Project Coordinator
WICHE Policy Analysis and Research