Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Digital Learning

  • Date : December 9, 2020 11:00 AM
  • Meeting Type : Webcast

This webinar was hosted in partnership with Every Learner Everywhere.

Educational opportunity and economic success are intertwined, and a college degree enables students to accomplish their career goals and aspirations. Yet, as a society, we must confront the fact that a high-quality education has been long unjustly denied to Black, Latinx, and Indigenous students, along with low-income students and first-generation students. The shift to remote learning unmasked challenges for colleges and universities in delivering quality, equity-focused education. Moving forward, higher education must do better for these students, and we believe that this starts with digital learning.

This panel of higher education professionals engaged in a provocative conversation about equitable teaching practices and digital learning that foster student-centered learning and cultivate a culture of inclusion.

Live captioning was provided by our sponsor, VITAC.


Tazin Daniels

Assistant Director, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, University of Michigan

Blaine Smith

Associate Professor of New Literacies and Bi/Multilingual Immigrant Learners, The University of Arizona


Jessica Rowland Williams

Director, Every Learner Everywhere, WCET Staff 2019 - 2023


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