Can Microcredentials Re-engage 40.4 Million Learners?

  • Timezone : US/Mountain
  • Date : May 7, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Meeting Type : Webcast

Straighterline logo.Hosted in partnership with StraighterLine.

This insightful webcast, tailored for higher education leaders and administrators, focused on the effective policy and practice of credential initiatives in today’s educational landscape. With a staggering 40.4 million Some College, No Credential adult learners seeking avenues for upskilling and reskilling, institutions face a pressing need to adapt and innovate. Today’s adult learners expect more: they want their educational journey to provide benefits while they are earning their degree, not after the degree is in hand.

This session explored the strategic integration of microcredentials as a tool to re-engage and support adult learners while simultaneously enhancing institutional revenue streams. Through expert analysis, real-world scenarios, and empirical research, participants gained invaluable insights into effectively leveraging microcredentials.

Key takeaways included:

  • Explore the shifts and trends in consumer demand from the voice of the student: what do current and prospective adult learners want and why?
  • Analyze the challenges and opportunities within higher education institutions: how do questions of quality and complex governance systems help and hinder the development of microcredentials?
  • Evaluate the role policy plays in shaping the higher education ecosystem to foster microcredential adoption and meet learner demand.

View the recording to delve into the transformative potential of microcredentials in shaping the future of higher education.


Janelle Elias

Vice President, Strategy & Advancement | Interim Vice President, Academic Affairs, Rio Salado College

LinkedIn Profile

Noah Geisel

Micro-credentials Program Manager, Office of the Registrar, University of Colorado Boulder

Amy Smith

Chief Learning Officer, StraighterLine

LinkedIn Profile
