
WCET Membership Dues

WCET dues cover a 12-month period and membership becomes effective on the approval date of the application. Rates will be reflected in the invoice received for renewals occurring in 2024.

All of your organization’s employees (and students for institutions) can benefit from one WCET membership. View WCET member benefits.

WCET also offers membership at the Supporting Member level for those institutions, organizations, and corporations that wish to make an additional investment and support WCET’s mission to advance the effective use of technology for teaching and learning. Supporting membership emphasizes an institution or organization’s commitment to WCET. As a thank you, WCET will provide Supporting Members receive with additional recognition, invitations to exclusive events, and opportunities to contribute to WCET communications or publications.

If you are a small Minority Serving Institution, i.e. under 1,000 FTE, please contact us (wcetinfo@wiche.edu) directly to discuss customized membership opportunities.

View membership rates for the State Authorization Network (SAN).

Two-Year Institutions
(based upon primary level of degrees/certifications offered)
Standard Member Supporting Member
Institution with less than 5,000 student FTE $1,600 $5,000
Institution with 5,000 or more student FTE $3,600 $5,000


Four-year Institutions Standard Member Supporting Member
Institution with less than 5,000 student FTE $1,850 $5,000
Institution with 5,000 or more student FTE $3,850 $5,000


Higher Education Offices and Other Nonprofit Organizations Standard Member Supporting Member
State or system higher education office $1,850 $5,000
System or consortia office $1,850 $5,000
Non-profit organization $1,850 $5,000


Corporations Standard Member Supporting Member
Corporation with 10 or fewer employees $1,025 $10,000
Corporation with 11 – 74 employees $2,750 $10,000
Corporation with 75 or more employees $5,500 $10,000